Discover the main features

pizzarella pizza former semiautomatic



  • All its parts in contact with the dough are made in food grade, easy to clean materials.

  • Pizzarella is absolutely innovative, totally designed and manufactured in our factory, its operation system optimized after years of research and development.

  • Pizzarella is a Morello Forni patent, made with a high precision mechanical structure, with a compact and nice design, built in aluminum-alloyed cast iron.

  • Pizzarella is a registered Morello Forni brand, for its use on a worldwide scale.

  • Pizzarella in facts will retains on its membranes, in contact with the dough ball, a thin flour layer, thanks to its proprietary and breveted “ induced polarization” effect.

pizzarella counter top version

Morello Forni Italia S.r.l.

Via B. Parodi, 35
16014 Ceranesi GE - Italy

Pulsante contatti EN




Morello Forni Italia S.r.l. | Via B. Parodi, 35 | Tel. +39 0107401194 | Fax  +39 0107492194 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

P.IVA:  02573970999