We have been manufacturing since 1969 professional grade pizza ovens to meet our clients’ need; technical research, design and development have always been our company most important values, allowing us to create special products like wood ovens with gas heated bedplates more than forty years ago, then applying this innovation to revolving bedplate, up to modern hybrid wood – gas or wood – electric fueled ovens.

We have designed and keep developing the FRV fully electric revolving bedplate oven range. Our production encompasses a wide range of wood, gas, electric, static or rotating ovens; our high quality products combine ease of use, energy and fuel saving, top baking performance

After years of research and development, Morello Forni is pleased to present Pizzarella, the first and only semi-automatic stendipizza that in a few seconds is able to form a pizza base like an expert pizza maker would do.

For more information on our product ranges, check out


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Morello Forni Italia S.r.l.

Via B. Parodi, 35
16014 Ceranesi GE - Italy

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Morello Forni Italia S.r.l. | Via B. Parodi, 35 | Tel. +39 0107401194 | Fax  +39 0107492194 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

P.IVA:  02573970999